I’ve mostly been processing the Lord’s work in my heart in physical journals lately. But I came upon a realization yesterday that needs a little more working out in writing than what I care to pen out. I’ve been more intentional about sabbathing well the last few Sundays as a response to what the Lord’s graciously taught us at MTI. I was convicted there that Sabbath is actually a commandment on par with “do not murder”, and therefore must be taken seriously. I also realized that it’s actually a beautiful and delightful gift that the Father is so committed to OUR wellbeing that He COMMANDS us to rest and delight in His goodness, and He commits to provide for us in the absence of our labor that day. And it comes EVERY WEEK! It’s a time to enjoy the creative delights and contemplative joys He draws us to—things that do not produce or consume or check a box, but that reflect enjoyment of Him and His gifts. It’s a whole day to spend time ENJOYING and REFRESHING.
And yesterday as I was writing out how to apply MTW’s new POM to the Kingdom Foundations spiritual practices course, something struck me:
Sabbath is actually a taste of heaven’s goodness in the here and now!
And this ought to be one of our most compelling witnesses to those around us! If we really sabbathed well, what a testimony that would be to our culture!! People here are SO in need of rest and refresh. Everyone is running around like anxious chickens with their heads cut off. What if people saw all of God's children really practicing sabbath consistently?
Sabbathing helps us understand the beauty of the gospel—the restorative, restful, creative, joyous revelry in Christ that is our present inheritance as His people.
Our King wants us to DELIGHT.
He provides for us to experience a taste of heaven every 7 days—a time when we can tap into the creative interests and whims that most of our life doesn’t provide time for, but which heaven will amply afford.
I often lament the way that I have so many interests and so little time to explore them. If I had a hundred lives to live, I would be a painter, an actor, a musician, a dancer, a philosopher, a teacher, a missionary, a writer, a gardener, an inventor, an architect, an event planner, a photographer, a college professor, a poet, a guest house facilitator, an acrobat, a counselor, and so many other things too! These are interest intentionally born in me by He Who made me which I, for the most part, won’t have time to explore on this earth. BUT, every 7 days, He has ordained time to just enjoy Him and His gifts to me however I want to. So, I have been painting and dabbling on the guitar, and swinging, and reading, and writing, and the day passes all too quickly, but what a refreshment it is!
And I recognize that I’ve reached a stage of parenthood where this is easier than it was 2-3 years ago. But I also think that for those who choose to faithfully obey the commandment, His promise to faithfully provide for it stands as well. It will look different for each person in every stage, but rest and refresh is a priority He has for us, and faithful obedience is our part. Providence is His.
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