A friend recently asked me about how one could go about educating children at home from a Biblical perspective. I've decided to share my thoughts on this here.
I recognize that Christian education is a highly controversial topic among believers, so know that I am merely sharing these thoughts as my own convictions, but I certainly do not condemn parents who through their study of scripture and prayerful time with the Lord arrive at different plans for their children's education.
How to Apply the Bible in the Process of Homeschool Teaching?
I believe that theology is the integration point for all knowledge and all activities, and whatever might rightly be called an education must teach the lordship of Christ. Education that does not do this effectively teaches that He is irrelevant to most of life. Secular education leads people to compartmentalize subjects into categories and spirituality is relegated to its own compartment making it unnatural to see all of life as spiritual. In my opinion, all subjects and aspects of life are greatly intertwined with God’s work in the world and His plan and purposes for it.
So how do we do we teach this way?
All school subjects must be studied for the purpose of knowing God better and glorifying Him better. The whole reason we as humans exist is for God and Him alone, and so the whole reason for everything in the world—including education—is for Him and Him alone.
- We study history in order to see what God has done in the world and in the lives of humans from the beginning of time. He is the main subject in History class, and events are all seen as the context of His work. We always look for what He was doing, what His purposes were, and how humanity’s perspective on Him (or lack thereof) affected its response to those events.
- In science we study the creation and processes in the natural world in order to understand the creator of these things better. We look for reflections of His good purposes, His redemption, and His gospel message in all aspects of science. God has put countless truths about Himself, His plan for the world, and His plan for us as His children into the fabric of our world, and we study it in order to know and glorify Him better. He is the main subject in science.
- In math, we study numbers in order to better understand God’s nature, as a God of order and consistency rather than a God of chaos. Additionally, we study math in order to train our minds for service to our Lord and to be better stewards of the resources and opportunities He has given us to serve and glorify Him.
- We study literature for the purpose of better seeing how humanity has interacted with truth and beauty bestowed on us by God throughout time. Through reading the stories and ideas of humanity from throughout time, we become better equipped to participate in the great conversation throughout the ages between men regarding ideas and questions that matter—things ordained by God.
- We also study writing and speech in order to become equipped and capable representatives of God on the earth. Through winsome, clear, and compelling communication in these modes, we bear witness to the truth from our Father, the way it sheds light on all things, and the response that it demands from us in all areas of life.
When we study subjects without acknowledging God as the purpose, facilitator, and the way, we communicate to our students that some parts of our life and experience have nothing to do with Him. In my opinion it is for this reason that the vast majority of adults—even Christians—go about the majority of their day without ever thinking about God and what He has to do with the small and large details of their day. Our education has taught us the habit of leaving Him out of it.
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