Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Came across an archive...

I just came across an old "newspaper" that Kelly, David, Christy, and I made when we were little.  Various headlines, drawings, and articles are pasted onto a cut up paper grocery bag.  Apparently I was the editor.  I have laughed so hard reading it, so I must share...

About Freckels
Freckels are ugly.  Some are dark brown some are light brown.  A few freckles on your nose isn't bad but if they're all over your face it looks disgusting.  There isn't one advantage to having freckles.  Some people think they look cute but they are grose.  That is the way freckles are. by David Barton   

10 Advantages to Having freckles
1. Camoflauge.  If you are running away from a bad guy in the woods, they won't be able to see you as good as if you didn't have freckles.  You are more brown so therefore blend in
2.  They ward off cheek pinchers
3. They ward off prospective daters
4. Some consider them cute
5. They help you not to burn as easily in the sun
6. They help moles blend in
7. A face without freckles is like a night without stars
8. Mommy looks beautiful with them
9. why not have them
10. People won't notice it as much when your face is dirty.
  - Kelly

The Editor, Laura, is competent - No: Dad, Laura, Christy; Yes: Mom, Kelly, David
What Moostracks for desert - Yes: Kelly, David, Christy, Laura; No - Mom

10 Advantages to Having Big Feet
1. More Cheese
2. Better balance
3. Better for kicking
4. Better for picking up things with your toes
5. Helpful excuse in certain situations
6. Bigger shoes
7. You can crush things easier
8. Bigger toe nail clippings so if you drop it you can see it better
9. You get to write articles like thas.
10. You can jump higher
11. Better foot-eye coordination

  - Laura and Kelly

Double U, EE, AA, TE, ACH, EE, ARE spells weather.  100% chance of sunshine, %50 chance of rain.

Questions: answers
Q: Why do children like games but not work? - David
A: Because work accomplishes something. - Kelly

Q: Why do babies grow so fast? - Christy
A: They eat 24 hours a day & night too. - Kelly

Q: How are creampuffs born? - writer's Identity not to be revealed for security reasons

Q: Why do people ask such werd questions? - Laura
A: What Kind of a weird question is that? - Kelly

Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor
One thing I don't like about your newspaper operation is that you are the editor and not Kelly.  One thing I do like about your newspaper operation is that you hired me.  From David

Dear Editor
I like the picture of you.  love Christy

To the Editor
This newspaper is ridiculous!  I don't know why the brilliant genious Kelly ever signed up for this job.
Things I don't like
1. It only comes out once a month
2. Some of the writers don't know what they're talking about.  Ex. David thinks freckles are ugly.  Well it just so happens that I've got lots of them!  His article was insulting.  I like freckles.  Why - because it is fun picking on people with freckles.  Love, Kelly

Short Story :)
Once upon a time there was a little boy named Ju.  He lived in a little cottage in the woods.  He had a little cat named Leo.  Leo was a big trouble maker.  He killed mice.  He killed rats.  He killed birds.  He was a big flab and very hairy.  He was little.  His mother was lost from when he was 3 months old.  The End.  by Christy 

This is me, Kelly.  All who want to subscribe to the newspaper let Kelly or Laura know.  They go out monthly.  Donations requested for this brief but extroardinary and exciting 1st edition.

*All spelling and punctuation has been transcribed accurately to reflect that of the original document.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Feeling Guilty?

Someone shared with me today that they wished they felt more emotion regarding what Jesus went through to pay for our sin.  This is something I have felt at times myself.  When I recognize some sin I have just committed, though I know in my head that that action put Jesus on the cross and drove the nails into His hands, I am somehow able to move on after a brief moment of repentance, and go about my day, as if no one was affected by my action but me.  Shouldn't I feel more shame?  How can I be so unfeeling?  I have questioned this at times, and wondered what is wrong with me.

But are we called to feel shame and regret?  Can lack of emotion be a sin?  Or would beating myself up over my short comings only be another subconscious attempt to pay for my own sins?

I was talking about this with Derek tonight, and while I don't know that it's all crystal clear in my mind or anything, I now believe that somehow Christ's victory over sin in my life is also victory over shame and guilt.  While I do regret my sin, and therefore confess it openly to my Heavenly Father, it has been paid for in full, and so any feeling of shame or guilt that I try to put on myself is only my own attempt to share some of the wait of it with Jesus.  But He took it all.  He felt all of the shame and guilt for me.  While He hung on the cross, He felt the full responsibility of having put an innocent man on a cross, even though it was He, Himself.  How's that for a mystery?

"This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."  1John 3:19-20

 "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water."  Hebrews 10:22

"For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God."  Hebrews 9:13-14
"For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them."  Romans 2:14-15  

I think this last passage points out that in allowing our conscience to condemn us, we are seeking to live by the law or attain our own salvation.  

I believe that the greater we come to know and grasp the holiness of God, the greater our understanding of our own sinfulness will be, but this understanding and regret does not call for us to beat ourselves up over it.  Christ has already taken care of that for us, and an attempt to share the wight of it with Him only mocks His sacrifice.

Speaking of the emotion Christ experienced for us... I love this song by Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Making Sense of 1John 5:1-5

Believing Jesus is the Christ (by faith) = being born of God v. 1
IF you are born of God THEN you overcome the world (victory) v. 4
Faith is victory  v. 4 
IF you believe Jesus is Christ THEN you overcome the world

IF you are born of God THEN you overcome the world (victory) v. 4
IF you believe Jesus is the Son of God THEN you overcome the world (victory) v. 5
IF you believe that Jesus is the Son of God THEN you are born of God

Obeying  God’s commands =  loving God v. 3
Loving God = Loving God’s child v. 1
Obeying God’s commands = Loving God’s child

IF you love God + obey His commands THEN you love the children of God v. 2

I always enjoyed my logic class in college.  How fun to apply it in this way!