A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of attending a half-day prayer retreat with the leadership of our church. One of the opening activities was an exercise in which everyone contributed short statements of praise and thanksgiving to God for ways they had seen Him at work in our church recently. Afterward, I felt like there was SO much more to say (and I'm sure that more would have been said had there been more time allotted for the activity). Since then, I’ve wanted to put words to what I see God doing among our little family of disciples.
Since returning from Peru two years ago, I have witnessed so much spiritual growth and movement of the Spirit at our church. I feel like I've had a unique glimpse of it too, having recently arrived after a long time away.
I see our church growing in prayer initiatives on the part of our leaders, and in boldness to jump into prayer and try new ways of prayer on the part of lay people—trends which speak loudly of the Holy Spirit’s work among us.
- Leaders are gathering for prayer each Sunday before worship.
- Ladies in Bible study are becoming bold to pray out loud in response to the things they are learning and articulating their own affection for God and His work in their lives even in a large-group setting.
- Several regular prayer meetings are happening among different women--meetings which were completely initiated by those women as a result of the Spirit's prodding on their hearts.
- Our church recently hosted an all-day prayer room for world missions and many people signed up and came and prayed
together, and many fasted.
- Quite a few leaders gathered for prayer before sending a team to India.
- Our leaders recently gathered for a half day of prayer together.
- I see evidence that several who have not felt strong in prayer are pursuing it in new ways and willing to jump into prayer activities that would have previously have been uncomfortable to them.
I’ve noticed new levels of vulnerability demonstrated in our people. People are more and more willing to share the Word's impact in their own lives, and learning to share not only their weakness but their delight in the growth God is providing. I believe this is becoming one of our church’s greatest strengths.
- Leaders regularly share from their heart quite honestly about how a call to confession convicted them, as they lead on Sunday mornings.
- At women’s Bible studies women are sharing more personally in their comments and also in their prayers.
- In Sunday School people are weekly expressing their own particular struggles, desires for growth, experiences with the Lord, etc.
- A new men’s group began meeting weekly for accountability, mutual sharpening, and prayer.
- Several women have been willing to share testimonies of their own spiritual journey publicly in Bible study announcements and missions announcements.
- Quite a few adults and recently some youth have been sharing the works of God in their lives in Middle School and Youth meetings.
- People are impromptu sharing ways that the Sunday sermon and Sunday School lessons are striking a chord with them and causing them to meditate mid-week.
I see people becoming comfortable with the idea that God INTERACTS with His people to this day, providing timely direction, encouragement, and circumstances in response to our pursuit of Him. I even see people becoming expectant to hear about those sorts of God-sightings in each other’s lives.
- People are beginning to ask each other informally about how they’ve seen God at work or what He’s been teaching them.
- People are texting each other mid-week about ways God has shown up in their lives.
- Even long-time Christians are becoming bold enough to ask questions about how they can experience God in new ways.
I see people humbly stepping into new leadership roles in the church.
- Several new couples are volunteering to lead at different times in the Middle school ministry.
New volunteers are helping with local community outreach ministries.
- New people are stepping into leadership of the missions committee.
- God provided two new staff members with a real heart for youth ministry.
- God recently called both a new elder and a new deacon into ministry.
- A new women’s ministry leader has stepped into leadership as well as a returning one.
- I see new people volunteering in Children’s ministry.
- There are also other things in the works which I won't mention, but suffice to say that God is prodding still others toward new levels of involvement and leadership in the near future.
I see people eagerly responding in practical ways to the teaching they receive at church.
- When there is an opportunity to physically respond in a worship service, MANY do so—even though it’s a practice outside our norm.
- When asked to share how they applied last week’s Sunday School lesson, several share personal testimonies to that effect.
- When resources for spiritual growth are shared, there are always people who hunt down those resources and even talk them up to others.
I see relationships at church going deep. As people grow in boldness to pray out loud, share from their heart in group settings, ask genuine questions, and try out new things, they become more and more known and cherished by the others around them. This, in and of itself, yields additional intercession and spiritual growth mid-week, because as we know each other more deeply, we are moved to pray for one another more often, and to spur one another on in the faith more regularly.
What a delight it's been to watch the Lord at work these past two years at our home church, and to partake in the growth with them! And to see very specific answers to requests that I (along with many others) have been presenting before the Lord for our congregation, is such a joyous privilege.
He is truly ON THE MOVE.