Saturday, April 25, 2015

Springtime with Finn

I realized it's been a while since I posted any pictures of Finn.  I really need to keep a camera on hand all day long because Finn does so many hilarious and adorable things.  Maybe I'll actually do it one of these days.  For now, here's a bit of a catch up on Finn...

Finn met a couple of his cousins last month

 Finn is modeling an outfit his grandparents brought him from Thailand.

 We have discovered a perfect Finn-speed playground!

 Finn enjoying Easter gifts with his Nai Nai.

 Finn likes to do everything we do!

 Finn enjoying his first happy meal ever.  He mostly just liked the fries.

 Playing soccer with Dad at the park.

 Playing with his Ye Ye before he went back to Thailand.

 We took this photo a little late, but it's a poster we made for his birthday showing input from all of Finn's family members on what he could be when he grows up!  He's got some pretty awesome options, though he wasn't too keen on being made to stand in front of the sign.

 Finn enjoys Sesame Street.  And the more music in the episode the better.

 I love to spy on Finn with our video monitor.  Here he is looking at books by himself in his bed.

 Finn still loves playing guitar with Dad!

Finn enjoys popping bubbles.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A lovely evening to myself!

I could seriously just spend my days reading and writing.  I enjoy both so much, and when I have time to myself to do this, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the many possibilities  - What to read?  What to write? 
·      To Read?
o   Do I continue in my Inca novel, following the journey of Cusi and McKay as they navigate the decline of that great South American empire?   At page 832, I'm getting so close to completion!  I might even be able to finish before the next time it's due back at the library!
o   Do I read my book on Prayer by Timothy Keller, in which I am learning about the different forms of meditation and how it guides and directs our prayer lives.
o   Do I continue reading with Derek our "Talk thru the Bible" book, that is helping us gain a better understanding of the content, themes, purposes, authors, dates, etc. of each book of the Bible.
o   Do I keep reading "A Case for Amillennialism," a book that feeds my curiosity about one perspective on the end times prophecy in scripture.
o   Or do I read any number of articles that have peaked my interest on the subjects of Covenant Theology, Infant Baptism, and Festival Typology.
·      To Write?
o   About any of the above things that I am learning.
o   About the awesome way in which God is teaching from his word and helping me to memorize scripture through learning verses in Spanish (all while slowly improving my Español!)
o   About how amazing it is being Finn's mom.  Watching him learn and grow brings so much delight to my life, and I wish I had more time to chronicle it all!
o   About the recent ways God has shown me glimpses of Himself and His purpose for having us here right now (and not in Peru yet).
o   About how necessary, helpful, and cathartic I find writing.
o   About my need and desire to find or start a small group of women to study the Bible, practice honesty, share prayer concerns, and hold each other accountable.
o   About Derek's and my new scripture memory plan
o   About my new work out routine/battle/nuisance. 
o   About my chronic habit of reading too many different books at once.
o   About how much I HATE seasonal allergies.  Amen???

What's a mom with only a few precious evening hours to herself to do?  :)  What a lovely problem to have!