Our Calling to Peru

We believe that our lives are meant to be an expression of praise and worship to God such that the world around us can't help but recognize the reality of His beauty and value.  John Piper's exposition of Romans 12:1-2 explains this well in the first five minutes of this sermon.

We also believe that God is sovereign and has created each of us and equipped us with abilities and experiences based on His plan for how we are to live this way (see Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 2:13; Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28).  So how did God see fit to design Derek and I?

Derek -
  • God gave Derek a passion for people.  As a child Derek's family moved to Indonesia and later to South Africa as foreign missionaries, and Derek got to see first hand the need for people to make disciples in other countries. 
  • God gave Derek a passion for music and leading people into worship.  As a child he took piano lessons and did not enjoy it very much, but when as a freshmen in high school there was a need for someone to play the piano in church for congregational worship, he decided to try it out, and only then did he begin to really love playing music.  There were other young people who also had musical abilities that they were willing to put to use for the sake of church worship, so Derek was provided the opportunity to learn how to work with other musicians to lead people in worship.  God used this greatly to cultivate in Derek a desire to lead others into worship, and train up others to do so as well.  When Derek re-entered the United States after high school, Steve Whitner, the worship pastor at Altadena Church in Birmingham, took extra time to pour into Derek and encourage him in his passion for worship through music.  God led Derek to earn a degree in music ministry at a Christian College, and later provided a worship leader position for Derek to take at Cross Creek Church, a start up church plant in Birmingham.
  • God has cultivated in Derek a desire to disciple men.  In the past few years through different opportunities and experiences Derek has had at Cross Creek, Derek has grown in his desire to get to know and pour into men for God's glory through leading Bible studies and small groups, and through getting together one on one with other men.
Laura -
  • God gave me a passion for teaching people younger than me.  From the time I was a child I have naturally sought out opportunities to teach and lead children.  I love pouring into children through building relationships in an academic context, and discipling children through sharing with them how God has worked in my life.
  • God gave me a passion for overseas missions.  Read more on that in this blog post
  • God placed me in a family that moved every 2-3 years during my childhood, and so I was used to being "the new kid."  As I grew older I began to notice when there was someone else who was "the new kid" and found myself drawn to such people, desiring to reach out to them.  Then I found out about missionary kids, and the ways in which they are often new to their environment or different from others their age.  God has made me naturally drawn toward missionary kids.  I love to hear their stories, to hear their thoughts about missionary work, and to hear their struggles and frustrations.  I love to spend time with missionary kids.
So, by the time I was in college I knew that it was quite possible God had designed me to teach missionary kids overseas somewhere, and by Derek's second year of college, he knew that it was quite possible God had designed him to lead worship and disciple people overseas somewhere.  These were desires of ours, and God seemed to have equipped us for it in various ways.  Then we got to know each other.  I was drawn to Derek's passion for God and he was drawn to mine.  We realized that serving God together would be awesome, and over time we realized that God had not only designed each of us for our individual ministry callings, but He designed us for each other as well.  I could go on about that for pages and pages, but I'll spare you - at least for this post.  :)

So we decided to get married and start our lives together learning to be stewards of Gods gifts to us here in the United States, with the hope that after several years we would pursue overseas missions.  We have been so blessed by our time with our precious church family here in Birmingham.  We have grown in so many ways through the opportunities to grow in truth, live in community, and serve in the kingdom here.  We are positive that our experiences these past few years will serve us for the rest of our lives wherever God leads.

Seeking a Mission Board and Location to Serve
In the spring of 2012, Derek and I attended a vision retreat with Mission To the World (MTW) in order to become better acquainted with the mission board and seek wisdom on whether that mission board would be a good sending agency for us.  We still had no idea when or where, though, so we were also hoping to gain some clarity on those things.  The week was fantastically helpful in each of those things, and we came away feeling quite excited about the idea of working with MTW in the future.  We also came away with a couple of different fields in mind and contact information for missionaries there.  By the end of last summer, however, it seemed that God was closing the door on both of those fields for us, for different reasons.  We were a little discouraged for a bit, but we spoke with our recruiter at MTW about seeking out other options, and within a couple of weeks we received an e-mail from the field leader in Cusco, Peru.

We were thrilled and amazed at how perfect the need in Peru seemed to match our callings.  There were 7 families there with MTW - 2 involved in church planting and 5 in medical missions.  There was a need for additional men to help disciple and teach and plant churches in Cusco, and there were around twenty missionary children who I could pour into and possibly help educate.  Other things we loved were the fact that Peru is a Spanish speaking country (I have always enjoyed getting to practice my high school Spanish and am excited about the idea of getting better at it), it is in South America (not nearly so far away as the Asian countries we were considering at one point), and it is a country that our church already has an invested interest in, as we have supported a couple different missionary families there, sent short term teams there each year, and our pastor is involved in shepherding the MTW missionaries there.

After a couple of skype calls with the missionaries in Peru, and some prayer, we set up a vision trip to Cusco in order to meet the families, get to know the work there, and determine whether Cusco is the place God has been preparing us for.   On April 3rd, 2013, we flew down to Cusco and spent two weeks there.

Our Vision Trip to Peru
Our two weeks in Peru was just what we had hoped it would be:
  • We spent good quality time with each of the missionary families there, getting to know their families, finding out what ministry in Peru was like for them, and getting lots of our questions answered.  
  • We got to see a lot of the life of the church there by attending two worship services, two youth group meetings, and Bible studies.  
  • Derek got to attend a session meeting and he also got to play some music with the worship team one Sunday.  
  • Derek got to spend a lot of time with Scott Dillon, one of the missionaries heavily involved in the church planting work, shadowing him in his day to day activities and learning about the work and need there.  
  • I got to spend a lot of time with the missionary wives, learning both about their roles in ministry and also as wives and mothers in a third world country.  
  • I got to spend some time homeschooling with a couple of the moms who are currently doing that with their children, and learned more about what that looks like for them and what their thoughts are for their children's schooling in the future.
  • We got to see first hand some of the difficult aspects of life in a third world country and how the missionary families handle those things.
  • We got to spend some time doing touristy, fun things in downtown Cusco, learning about what types of things the missionaries do for date nights or getaways.
By the end of the two weeks we felt like the time was spent very well, and we had gotten a pretty good feel (as well as could realistically be attained anyway) for what it might be like to serve as missionaries with MTW in Cusco--and we liked what we had learned.  We were impressed with the hearts and passions of the missionaries there, their commitment to raising godly families, and their unity as a team.  I loved my time with their children, and also loved getting to know the ladies.  We were really drawn to the community and fellowship that existed among the missionaries.

We were also drawn to the needs for discipleship and church planting work, and I especially was drawn to the need for ministry to the missionary families specifically through pouring into their children.  We continued to prayerfully seek God's plan for our lives, but He seemed to be clearly pointing us toward moving to Cusco to serve there with MTW.  It seems that all of the things He has built into our lives, all of the experiences and training He has given us, and the desires and passions that He has cultivated in our hearts fit perfectly with the needs in Cusco.  Now, I say that with some measure of hesitation, because while I believe that God's plans for His children are perfect and are completely purposeful each step of the way, I also recognize that they very often don't feel perfect to us as we walk through them.  I recognize that in Peru we will face very difficult trials and frustrations.  There's no doubt about it.  Life there could very possibly be the hardest thing we've ever done.  But if that is where God has designed us to be, then we wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

If our lives are meant to be expressions of praise to God such that the world around us can't help but recognize the reality of His beauty and value, then it makes sense to us that the best place for us to be is the place where our greatest passions and desires collide with a great need for the gospel to go forth.  God has presented us with the needs in Peru, and endeared our hearts to the ministry there.  So we believe that obedience right now for us is pursuing ministry there.  God could still close the door, or steer us in a different direction.  As James 4:13-15 cautions, we admit that our plans are only as sure as they align with His, and so we need to seek His face daily, accepting what He brings, acknowledging His perfection and our finiteness.  But for now we are headed toward ministry in Peru.

And Now . . .
After much prayer and discussion with MTW we have decided to pursue the short term (a 2-2.5 year commitment) with the intention that at the end of that time we will transition to being career missionaries with them if God so leads.  During the summer of 2013 we went through the interview process with MTW and were officially accepted as short term missionaries to Cusco, Peru.  In the Fall we went through a week of orientation and training with MTW, and among other things were provided with a breakdown of the financial needs that we will have as missionaries to Cusco.  During the next year or so, we will be sharing our vision for ministry in Peru and seeking out those who God has prepared to partner with us financially and through prayer support as we head to Peru.

We are so excited about all of this and feel blessed beyond measure.  We are sinful, feeble, and undeserving people, but God is so good, and His love is so comprehensive.  Our cup truly runs over.

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